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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

For your viewing pleasure!

I just received an email from our contact at ABC -- a short version of our interview will be airing on Nightline tonight, 11:30 ish and will be available online after it airs.

Hmmm, I guess it is too late to change our minds about this whole thing ;o) 

I confess to being a bit nervous. I don't believe the film footage contains much new information that we haven't already shared publicly, or that my blog readers haven't already guessed at. But our rather personal story is presented and how it is presented is completely out of our hands. As several recent political examples have shown, it is possible to take one bit of film footage and edit it to tell any one of several stories, some more accurate than others.

OK, I admit it: I'm a teensy bit of a control freak.

And we both really want the right story told. We desperately want our commitment to this project to pay off. We hope that the story that ABC airs will dispel some frustrating myths about people with sleep disorders. (No, narcoleptics are not lazy.) Our intent was for this interview to help others who have been diagnosed with this disease, those who have it but don't know it and are still trying to figure out what is wrong, and those who care for them.

That, and I would prefer to be on camera AFTER I lost the 30 pounds I still need to shed.

Lord, give me the strength to turn my back on the Ben and Jerry's as I impatiently wait for a glimpse at the finished product!


  1. Hey there :-)
    I also have narcolepsy and cataplexy. I'm so glad this show will be airing tonight, I know I'll be watching it!! I write a narcolepsy blog as well and have posted a link to the show information. Hopefully it will bring more (and much needed!) understanding to the general public....happy blogging!



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